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New Hall 'Precinct Code'

10 November 2012

The ACT Government has written recently to the Progress Association about the introduction of a new 'Precinct Code' for the village, part of a wider revision of the Territory Plan. These proposals are open for public comment until 19th November.

"The Village of Hall master plan (2002) has been reviewed to ensure the heritage values and the master plan's findings have statutory force in the development assessment process. A number of recommendations in the master plan were incorporated in to the Territory Plan through Variation 214 in 2005. Also in 2005, the Heritage Act 2004 assumed responsibility for heritage matters and the heritage register was removed from the Territory Plan. The review was undertaken to ensure that all necessary findings from the master plan have been incorporated into either the Territory Plan or the Heritage Register".

This review found that provisions of the Hall Master PLan have in fact been been implemented, by one means or another.

"However, arising from the review, certain minor changes to the Territory Plan for Hall are proposed to clarify the relationship between the various instruments, including the addition of a note on the heritage status of Hall Village, the inclusion of specific measures for building heights, the clarification that cemetery is a site–specific allowable development at rural block 310 and minor revisions to the wording of other provisions without changing the underlying policies".

Interested residents can find the relevant documents here:

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