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2002-05 Village of Hall Master Plan

In 1998, the ACT Government resolved to prepare a master plan for the Village of Hall. The purpose of the master plan is to identify the significance and the uniqueness of the village. It establishes strategic directions and identifies boundaries and buffers to protect the village and its surrounds from inappropriate development, which may affect the heritage value, cultural landscape and visual setting of Hall in the future. The master plan recommends guidelines for
short and long term development and informs the community of the intentions for the area of the village and its immediate surroundings.

The master plan has been developed in consultation with the community of Hall and district. It is based on analysis of the existing situation, available data and a synthesis of community views.
The recommended planning approach balances community expectations with government capability and policy.

The Master Plan establishes that Hall is a village, not a suburb. As such it is seen as being separate to, not part of Gungahlin, yet is considered to be part of Canberra. Hall is also seen as being closely linked to its rural 'hinterland' or district, most of which is actually in New South Wales, not the ACT.

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